Some Anglo Saxon Interpretations Of
Christian Teachings |
section offers some interpretations of Christian teachings from a traditional
Christian perspective. Christianity teaches honour, humility and restraint.
It teaches fairness and forgiveness, passion and compassion. Above all, it
teaches love over hate. |
is often over played by modern liberal Christians to the extent that many
non-Christians perceive it as a religion of weakness. This is not true,
especially of the Saxon influenced Christianity that formed the basis of
traditional English Christianity ‘Might is Right’ is no basis for a decent
society. ‘Right is Might’ is the Christian response. Dealing with issues in a
peaceful, civilised manner whenever possible. But traditional Christianity
does not say bow down and let them kill you and enslave your family. The
concept of the ‘Just War’ came out of the Christian notion that sometimes you
have no choice but to resort to physical violence, but that there should be a
good reason for this and that the force used is not overly excessive in terms
of what is needed to achieve the goals. Christians
may not always have dealt with enemies in full accord with Christian teachings.
But that is the fault of human frailty not the Christian teaching - which is
intended to curb the excesses of what humans all too obviously can do to each other. |