Re-building The Englisc Theod |
(Ţeod) is the Anglo Saxon English word for Tribe.
The English Tribe or ‘Engliscan Ţeod’
is the sum total of the indigenous Anglo Saxon English people. It is made up
of different family groups and clans – but it is one Englisc Tribe. England
itself is now home to people of many different ethnic identities. However,
Englishness is not simply a term based on residency or whether you happen to
be born in England. It is certainly not an optional add on to another ethnic
identity. But
neither is it a definition based exclusively on race or genetic background.
People of non-ethnic English backgrounds can become part of the Theod, absorbed into the tribe. Numbers of such people in
any generation will be small and their ability to be accepted will in large
part depend on their physical and mental similarity to the typical Anglo
Saxon. Some people will be much easier to absorb than others. |
What is Englishness?
indigenous English can trace their origins back to around 30,000 BC when
these islands were resettled after the last major ice age. Furthermore, there
was very little immigration from the Norman Conquest in 1066 right up until
the last hundred years or so. We are therefore entitled to call ourselves
indigenous and identify with a specific North West European ethnic identity
that has defined us for thousands of years. As
England became the focus of a great world Empire, the concept of being
English subtly changed to become more focussed on culture and loyalty to the
Crown. Here we see the emergence of what we now call ‘Civic Nationalism’.
Englishmen could be created! For
a long time, it didn’t really matter as the people that came to our lands for
the most part looked much like us and quickly became ‘invisible’. Those that
were visible were very small in number and confined to the big cities and
seaports. It
was not until after the Second World War that mass immigration from outside
Northern Europe began. And this was not just large and increasing numbers of
people, but people who were very different to the English. They were mainly
from the old Empire; initially West Indians, Asians from the old Indian
Empire, East Asians from Hong Kong and Southern Europeans from Italy, Cyprus
and Malta. As time has gone by, this trend has grown and the diversity of
people coming to our homeland has widened. The last twenty years has seen a
steady stream grow into a tidal wave and people are now openly talking about
the indigenous English becoming a minority in our own homeland in the
foreseeable future. In many areas of several cities we already are. As
far as the State is concerned, all of these people are or will become, English – or at least British. Integration and
unity in diversity are the buzz words of our modern world. The emphasis now
is not so much on multi-culturalism, but on integration. People have reacted
in different ways to this. On the one hand there is a marked increase in
‘white flight’ leading to large non-English ghettoes. But mixed relationships
and marriages are also becoming more common. Restoring Our Identity There
is an urgent need to restore a sense of an Anglo Saxon English identity and a
pride in that identity amongst our people. We need to be clear that
Englishness is an ethnic identity and not a civic one, in which anyone living
in England can be considered ethnically English. We are not a set of values
as Government like to tell us these days. We are a people, a distinct ethnic
group with a strong sense of who we are and who we are not. We
need to be clear that the English look a certain way, act a certain way and
hold certain values. We are a Tribe, a Nation of people with common physical
and cultural characteristics, not just a citizenship. People will not
understand the need to protect our identity if they do not understand this.
There are strong forces determined to prevent this sort of thinking, but we
must resist these forces and exert our rights. People
naturally group themselves into ‘communities’. This is a primitive survival
instinct. It may be Northerners against Southerners, Yorkshire against
Lancashire, Protestants against Catholics and so on.
But these distinctions are no longer what should divide us. The real
distinction now is between ourselves as the indigenous ‘Engliscan
Theod’ (whether Northerner or Southerner) and the
alien communities growing up around us. Social
cohesion should mean just that. English communities used to be very cohesive.
Breaking them up, importing millions of alien people into them and then
telling us we must embrace diversity in the interests of social cohesion is
Orwellian nonsense. The
truth of this view point is becoming more obvious every day. The idea that
West Bradford is as English as Little Deeping (or wherever) is laughable.
Large ethnic communities do not become English. They are strong enough to
maintain their own identity with only cosmetic changes towards Westernisation
and Anglicanisation. We are different people, we think differently, do things differently and
have created different forms of society. England
was created by the English. The English were not created by England! Thinking Tribally This
piece started by introducing the Anglo Saxon (or ‘Old’) English word ‘Theod’ meaning tribe. We have not really had to think as
a tribe, at least within our native England, for a very long time. But we
clearly need to start doing so now. In particular, we need to encourage young
people, who have been brainwashed into thinking of themselves as ‘world
citizens’ rather than as a tribe. Young people from ethnic communities do not
think like this. They take great pride in their own tribal origins. Like King
Theoden from Lord of the Rings, we need to WAKE UP!
help this process of tribal bonding, we need to identify more closely with
our ancestors both in terms of the bonds of blood and with their culture,
whether this be food & drink, literature, history, music, religion or
even language. Social, cultural and religious events are needed that
reinforce these bonds and nurture a feeling of belonging to the Theod. We need to start thinking and acting more as a
tribe, a community with interests and political clout. We need to live in the
modern world, but be clear where our roots lie and be determined to protect
our communal identity. We need to live together, work together, socialise
together and inter-marry within our community. This practice of only marrying
within your community is known as ‘endogamy’ and is common amongst many cultural and religious
groups around the world. To this end, we need community organisations, think tanks and media
outlets that actively identify issues of interest to us as a tribe and pursue
these interests both internally within our community and externally in the
wider world. We need a tribal newspaper – maybe the ‘new’ Anglo Saxon
Chronicle! We need legal organisations to advise and defend our interests and
political groups not just to stand for election but to lobby for our
interests within existing power structures. From a religious perspective, we
need a mechanism to encourage capable people to take up positions of
leadership within the movement, work within existing Church jurisdictions and
form the basis for a new one. |