Did Jesus
Visit Britain? |
legends tell persistently that the British Church was the first to have been
established outside of the Holy Land. Most people will be aware of the
legends of Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grael. Joseph, who was Jesus’
great uncle, was a tin merchant and had genuine business reasons to visit the
tin mines of south western Britain. Legend tells that Jesus came with him on
several occasions and that Joseph settled in the region of Glastonbury after
Jesus’ execution on the cross. Even if these legends cannot be proven, they
are part of British and English Christian ‘Tradition’. Indeed, Elizabeth I
cited Joseph's missionary work in England when she told Roman Catholic
bishops that the Church of England pre-dated the Roman Church in England. |
they are more than legends as many writers of history, some being very
eminent, believed them to be true. Where was
Jesus in His early life?
is interesting that the Bible records virtually nothing of most of Jesus’ life.
One episode at the Temple when He was 12 and that is about it. This doesn’t
mean that Jesus was not living in the Holy Land at this time. It may be that
the Gospel writers weren’t really that interested in the majority of His life
before His ministry or maybe weren’t aware of it. But it is still strange
that there is virtually nothing written about this period. And
then, at the start of His ministry, several people do not recognise him.
People who should have, not least his cousin John the Baptist! The two
families had been very close when they were children and no doubt they would
have spent a great deal of time together. And yet, when Jesus began His
ministry sometime around 33 AD, we are told in John 1:32-34, that he did not
know Jesus. He did not recognise his own cousin who he would have seen
regularly! The only plausible explanation of this is that John had not seen
Jesus for many years. In
John 1:45-48, we read, “Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “we have
found him of whom Moses in the Law and the prophets wrote, Jesus son of
Joseph, from Nazareth.” Nathanael said to him, “From Nazareth? Can anything
good come from that place?” Philip replied, “come and see.” When Jesus saw
Nathanael coming, he said of him, “there truly is an Israelite in whom there
is no deception.” Nathanael asked, “how do you know me?” Now
Nathanael lived in Cana, just 5 miles from Nazareth. Whilst it is possible
that they would not have met and known each other, it is more likely that
they would have met up regularly at the various feasts they would have
attended. Furthermore, Jesus would have been well known. Even as a 12 year
old, He had made a name for himself for his debating skills and knowledge of
the Law. Two
other examples of uncertainty over Jesus' identity. "This is Joseph's
son, surely?" (Luke 4:23) and
"where did the man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers? This is
the carpenter’s son, surely?” (Matthew 13:53-54). And
then Jesus is asked to pay the ‘Stranger’s Tax’ when entering the Temple, indicating
he had not been a resident of Judea for some time previously (Matthew
17:24-27). This tax was the Didrachma levied by the Romans on all foreigners and not
the Judean Temple tax. The tax collectors had identified Jesus as a foreigner
liable to pay the ‘stranger tax’ and queried this with Simon Peter who
confirmed that he was liable to pay it. Furthermore, Jesus made it plain
whose head was on the coin in which he was being asked to pay. He said
`Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's'.
The coin in which Jesus paid the tax was Roman and it was forbidden to pay
the temple tax in a foreign coinage. The British
Connection Jesus’
earthly father, Joseph, died when He was young. In accordance with Hebrew
tradition, Mary’s uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, became their legal
guardian. Joseph of Arimathea was
“Noble Decurion”, effectively Minister of Mines for the Roman Empire. He had
a particular interest in British tin mines which Rome needed for their
military and civic economy. Britain was not part of the Empire at this time
and they needed a middle man the British were prepared to do business with.
Did Joseph visit Britain and did he bring his young ward with him? Again, there is real evidence to say yes to
both these questions. Legend
tells that Joseph was granted twelve hides of land (about 1,440 acres or 582
hectares) by King King Arviragus of Siluria who was the brother of Caractacus,
the Pendragon. These gifts of land remained holdings of free land for many
centuries thereafter and were confirmed in the Domesday Book of 1086. “The
Church of Glastonbury has its own ville twelve
hides of land, which have never paid tax.” The
6th century British monk, St Gildas, maintained that Christianity came to
Britain in the last year of Tiberius Caesar, which would have been AD 37.
Archbishop Ussher, (1550 - 1613), writing in his Brittannicarum
Ecclesiarum Antiquitates,
said, "The British National Church was founded AD 36, 160 years before
heathen Rome confessed Christianity." In a letter to Pope Gregory, St
Augustine states that there was a church "constructed by no human art,
but divinely constructed by the hands of Christ Himself”. The
eminent historian of the Roman Catholic church, Cardinal Baronius,
(1538 - 1607) who became Curator of the Vatican Library in 1597, wrote in his
Ecclesiastical Annals: "In
that year (AD 36, the year of the great persecution in Jerusalem and the
dispersion that followed), the party of Joseph of Arimathea and those who
went with him into exile, was put out to sea in a vessel without sail or
oars. This vessel drifted, and finally reached Massilia
(Marseilles) where they were saved. From Massilia
Joseph and his company passed into Britain and after preaching the Gospel
there, died." William
of Malmesbury and Polydore Vergil also place Joseph
of Arimathea at Glastonbury. William refers to the contents of a letter given
by King Ina to Glastonbury in 700 AD. "To the ancient church, situate in
the place called Glastonbury, which Church the Great High Priest and Chiefest
Minister formerly through His own ministry, and that
of angels....." The
Church Councils held at Pisa 1409, Constance 1417, Sienna 1424 and Basle
1434, ruled that "the Churches of France and Spain must yield in points
of antiquity and precedence to that of Britain as the latter Church was
founded by Joseph of Arimathea immediately after the passion of Christ." Traditions
in Somerset relate that Joseph, after first seeking tin from the Isles of
Scilly came to the Mendips and was accompanied on several occasions by Jesus.
At the parish Church of Priddy, high on top of the Mendips, they have an old saying:
'As sure as our Lord was at Priddy.' And a carol sung by the children of
Priddy begins: "Joseph was a tin merchant, a tin merchant, a tin
merchant” and goes on to describe him arriving from the sea in a boat. Old
Cornish mining Ordinance maps refer to the "Wheel of Jesus”, a wheel
being a Cornish name for mine. Was Jesus a
is an ancient Breton tradition (see Hachette's guide "Bleu
Bretagne" and the Harl Manuscript in the
British Museum) that Anna, mother of the Virgin Mary, was born in Cornwall of
Royal blood. When she was pregnant with the Virgin Mary, her husband (Joachim), ill-treated her and she fled from Europe to Jaffa and
settled in Nazareth where Mary was born. Ann or Anna, had a sister called
Bianca who was the mother of Joseph, the Virgin Mary's husband, thus showing
that he was also her first cousin. This
story may be difficult to swallow – but think about this. Joseph of Arimathea
seems to have been accepted quite readily in Britain. From the very
commencement, it would seem, he had no difficulty with the language for he
was not only able to communicate on normal matters, but teach the new
religion so convincingly that he was granted twelve hides of land, tax free
for himself and his companions. We are led to question why the boy Jesus and
his uncle were so readily accepted in a land so far away from their own
country. The British Connection continues Another
manuscript, held at Jesus College, Cambridge, shows the family tree of Joseph
of Arimathea and confirms that Penardin,
granddaughter of Joseph of Arimathea, married King Lear of Britain. Notice
that far from being confined to Palestine, the Holy Family seem, through
Joseph of Arimathea, to have intermarried into British royalty and to have
left Palestine to live in Britain. Marrying into royalty is not that easy. It
would have been made easier if they already were British royalty! A
British Princess called Gladys, daughter of King Caractacus
and granddaughter of King Bran, married a Roman nobleman called Rufus Pudens. He is mentioned as a layman of the Roman Church
in 2 Timothy 4:21. "Do your best to come before winter. Eubulus sends greetings to you, as do Pudens
and Linus and Claudia (Gladys) and all the brethren.” Gladys
Romanised her name to Claudia. She is said to have hosted St Paul when he visited
Britain. But more than this, she may very well have been related to him. For,
in Romans 16:13 (KJB), Paul writes, “Salute Rufus, chosen in the Lord and his
mother, and mine.” In other words, and assuming it is the same Rufus, St Paul
was his half-brother and so brother-in-law to Claudia (Gladys). |