AIMS King Alfred |
This site aims to help foster a renewal of
traditional, conservative English Christianity rooted in the Anglican
tradition. This is not defined just from the establishment of the Church of
England, but rather the broader English Christianity that stretches back to
the old Anglo Saxon Church or ‘Ecclesia Anglicana’. The aim is not to restore
Anglo Saxon Christianity as such, but to draw from it
inspiration for a truly English form of Christianity. It is hoped that this
will help to strengthen a positive English identity and build strong English
communities. The site has no formal links with the Church of
England or any other Anglican jurisdiction, but seeks to be a resource and
inspiration for traditional English Anglicans wherever they may be. |
The CofE, as it is colloquially known, has been
the main spiritual home of the English people since the 16th
century; the heart of our communities, culture and identity. Traditional
hymns, Church music and customs, the language of the King James Bible and
Book of Common Prayer, even just the smell of an old Parish Church, have all
helped forge this identity. However, the modern Church of England is
re-imaging itself to better reflect current social values and attract the
changing demographics of our land. Whilst this may be positive for some, it
is making it harder for traditional Anglicans to find a home. It is already
difficult to find a Church community that uses the old Prayer Book as the
norm and it is likely to become harder to find a Church that has any form of
traditional service as time goes on. There is no point simply moaning about
this. Traditionally minded people need to become active and create the demand
for such services. Whilst rooted in orthodoxy, the CofE is less
dogmatic than most other mainstream Churches, something which has provided a
degree of flexibility for spiritual growth and engagement with scientific
advancement, but which has also encouraged a tendency to ‘move with the
times’ and reject much of its old teaching. As a result, it has largely
abandoned its traditional liturgy and style of worship; traditional organ
music has in many places been replaced by modern style bands, pews by chairs
and traditional hymns supplemented or replaced by international music.
Furthermore, it seems to preach a different set of values both to what many
of its people hold as well as to what it used to teach itself. There is an
all-pervading emphasis on a politicised ‘social
gospel’ and whatever trendy so called ‘progressive’ issue is flavour of the
month at any given time. Christ is portrayed as weak and passive, reflecting
modern society’s obsession with victimhood rather than the warrior king of
previous generations. Recreating a traditionalist Church culture should
not just be about restoring the old hymns and liturgy. It should also be
about exploring our ancient Church roots and its traditions. English
Christianity has been influenced by both the Irish (Celtic) and Roman
Churches as well as by the old Saxon heroic culture of our pre-Christian
ancestors. This has given it a distinct identity, one that combines the
mysticism and love of nature from the Celtic, the rich ritual of the Roman
and an emphasis on personal honour, valour and industriousness from the old heroic culture.
This form of Christianity is known as ‘Saxon Christianity’ and formed the
basis of English Christianity until quite recently. Today, many peoples around the world are
re-discovering their ancestral folk traditions. Whilst the Church has had
mixed views on these, and has been hostile to some of them, it also
deliberately absorbed many folk traditions and Christianised
them. Even some traditions that were initially suppressed, such as well
dressing or honouring ancestors, came to be accepted
and Christianised in time. Interest in folk
traditions, which are often local expressions of a deeper spirituality, is
growing and this is something that this site seeks to encourage as a way of
maintaining a culturally ‘English’ form of the faith. Church is community. Not just a community of
people who happen to attend the same service or believe in a particular finer
point of doctrine. Rather a community which is based around being part of a
group of people with strong kinship ties to each other in which a sort of
‘Folk Church’, whether as part of or separate to the Church of England,
provides the spiritual and cultural ‘glue’.
In this way, it is hoped that ASA can help to inspire stronger, more
resilient English communities that are confident of their identity and have a
secure place within our changing world. None of this will happen on its own.
Ultimately, it will be for traditionally minded English people to come
together and form such communities and congregations. Whether these are discussion groups, book
clubs, associations to celebrate traditional forms of service or particular
saints and festivals, it is hoped that this site will help to encourage
them |